Thursday, October 21, 2010

40 weeks, 1 day

Well we are now past Miss Taysen's "official" due date... which as we all know, are just estimates anyway.  Only God knows when it is time for her to come out of the womb.  I am however, praying and hoping it's soon -- SO SO ready to meet her.  Tyler too, he can hardly sleep at night he's so excited.  He says's it's like Christmas Eve but worse because you can't tell yourself for sure when "it" will arrive.  I love that he's just as excited as I am. 

Went to the midwife today and no new news there.  I feel good so I get to keep working half days at work and walking in the evenings like I have been.  Until I get about 41 1/2 weeks we won't do anything, if I make it closer to 42 weeks we will do a sonogram just to check on the baby and make sure the placenta is good, she's getting enough blood form the cord etc.  Hopefully she will be here long before then!!!

I'm sure all of you will be getting a call or a text when she arrives until then just pray for His timing and for grace and patience for Tyler and I!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Almost a full 37 weeks!!

Seemed like I would never get this far... but God created time for a reason right?! We've almost made it! At my last midwife appointment she checked my iron levels again and they went back up to 11.5 which is really good. I did my part eating better and taking my Floridex! Plus, Tyler banned me from drinking Dr Peppers which was probably a good thing, since caffeine robs iron along with who knows what else. So everything looks great!!

This Thursday our midwife will come over for our home visit, so she can see the house, know where it is and not be trying to find it in the middle of the night. Although, I'm praying Taysen arrives after a really great night of rest!!

We're very excited for her arrival but praying that we treasure each day that is left of pregnancy, it's been such a sweet time for us as a couple. God has been faithful and is growing our marriage even more each day.

When she decides to make her entrance we've decided to keep that special and between us. Tyler's mom is going to come over to help with the dogs and anything that the midwives need but only Tyler and I will be present (and midwives) when our new little miracle arrives. Mom will keep everyone updated via text, facebook etc but we're asking that everyone let us have our time with her before coming by. We welcome your prayers and are thankful for your excitement and once she is here we will let people know when it is ok to come meet our precious baby girl. Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks!!

Almost a full 37 weeks!!

Seemed like I would never get this far... but God created time for a reason right?!  We've almost made it!  At my last midwife appointment she checked my iron levels again and they went back up to 11.5 which is really good.  I did my part eating better and taking my Floridex!  Plus, Tyler banned me from drinking Dr Peppers which was probably a good thing, since caffeine robs iron along with who knows what else.  So everything looks great!!
This Thursday our midwife will come over for our home visit, so she can see the house, know where it is and not be trying to find it in the middle of the night.  Although, I'm praying Taysen arrives after a really great night of rest!!

We're very excited for her arrival but praying that we treasure each day that is left of pregnancy, it's been such a sweet time for us as a couple.  God has been faithful and is growing our marriage even more each day.

When she decides to make her entrance we've decided to keep that special and between us.  Tyler's mom is going to come over to help with the dogs and anything that the midwives need but only Tyler and I will be present (and midwives) when our new little miracle arrives.  Mom will keep everyone updated via text, facebook etc but we're asking that everyone let us have our time with her before coming by.  We welcome your prayers and are thankful for your excitement and once she is here we will let people know when it is ok to come meet our precious baby girl.  Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks!!         

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9th, Midwife Visit

I think I've had two appointments since I've blogged last so I've decided to get back to it!!

I'm a full 34 weeks now so just a little less than 6 weeks left, that is SO unbelievable to me!!  We started our birthing classes last Tuesday, that was interesting.  I've read bunches of information so I don't think any of it was new to me, however it did make it much more REAL.  The class totally calmed Tyler down and he said he feels much less nervous about the birth now, which is wonderful.  However it had quite the oppositite effect on me, I started getting really nervous about not being in control of my body.  So.... we're praying through that now and I'm sure by the time Taysen arrives I'll be full of peace and God's grace will be sufficient for the moment.  We have 3 more birthing classes to go, which we're excited about because each one brings us closer to baby Taysen!!   

We saw our midwife again this morning and all is well.  My iron levels have dropped but she said that is completely normal because the baby is taking what she needs from me.  She does however want it back up before I deliver so she is having me take Floradex.  From my understanding it's basically an herbal supplement that is food based... so to give a visual it's like taking a handful of beets without actually having to eat them.  Thank goodness for supplememts I would never be able to eat enough beets to get that much iron!!

Until next time... we love yall... The Thomas'


Friday, August 6, 2010

Last Midwife Visit

Hi Everyone,

My last midwife appointment was on July 29th and it went great!  She had me eat two hours prior to coming in, then she checked my blood sugar at the appointment --- which was awesome, she seemed shocked it was so good!  She said did you eat, I said yes and told her what I'd had... so she was happy and we were happy.  They also checked my iron levels, blood pressure and checked for protein in my urine, all were great!!  We heard the baby's heartbeat which was 155, easy for her to find and totally normal.  She felt around and figured out that little Taysen it still head up, her back is up against my right side and her feet down low.  She said that her position is totally normal but we don't want her getting "comfy" that way.  So, she instructed me to put headphones on my lower belly and play music for her.  The idea is that at some point, sooner rather than later, she try to get her head toward the music and be head down. 

Tyler set my mp3 player up with some praise and worship music and I've been playing it for her for a few hours a day --- I don't think she's turned just yet but I know she will at just the right time. 

Until next time friends!!! Love yall, Jenn

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 29!!!

So... I'm not posting the fruit or veggie for these weeks because it's a squash.  A squash?!  They come in all shapes and sizes and it wasn't a very good comparison!  But here is what it had to say about baby Taysen's development weeks 29 - 32.

Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

So there you have it, she's growing and probably somewhere between 2.9 - 3.2 lbs at the moment... she loves punching, flipping, kicking and in general just moving around.  I LOVE being woken up 30 minutes before my alarm goes off because she doesn't want to be still!  Just Kidding, not a huge fan of that part, but it's totally worth it to know my sweet girl is doing well and growing fast. 

It seems like these next 12 weeks can't go by fast enough, yet I still feel like I have much to do.  My bedding is ordered, along with some fabric to match so that I can have Carrie Gant make me window treatments... my Crib and Changing Station are both ordered... and I have a couple of really cute shelves I need to hang... but most importantly I need all those things to come in so I can finish the nursery.  I say "finish" like I've started, which I haven't... my shelves and cute decorations are patiently awaiting the furniture and bedding to make sure they get hung in the right place.  Her room is going to be cowgirl!  I searched and searched for beautiful girly bedding that was both vintage and frilly AND would go with barnwood furniture because that's what we have in that room.  Well, never found any I loved BUT I did find a western set that I loved.  So I picked out a crib that was vintage and distressed looking because I knew it would make the western more girly and definitely go with the barnwood furniture already there.  I'll post picture when it comes in, don't want to ruin the surprise now. 

This weekend is my sweet nieces 1st birthday, the next weekend Tyler and I are taking our concealed handgun class, then I have two "free" weekends before my first baby shower.  I'm so looking forward to all of the fun events in August and am so thankful for my sweet family and friends who are throwing me a shower.  I know it's going to be wonderful and I can't wait to post pics of that either!



Friday, July 9, 2010

Weeks 25 - 28... getting SOOO close!!!

Weeks 25-28 (month 6): Eggplant

Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day

Here are a couple of pics from our fabulous Father's Day at my Dad's.  Tyler is going to be such a great dad, just like his... I CAN'T WAIT!!

Loving it!

I am really enjoying this part of pregnancy.  Her movements and kicks feel stronger each day, to the point that Daddy gets to feel them sometimes too.  Plus, when I'm working I actually "feel" like she's working with me :)   I've started back to prenatal yoga and started using the treadmill again, hopefully I will continue this routine until the birth!! 

Working on getting her bedding made right now, after we do, I'll post some pics :) 

Weeks 21 - 25

Weeks 21-24 (Month 5): Papaya

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Friday, June 11, 2010

We have a name!

We have finally decided on a name for our sweet baby girl...

Taysen Jane Thomas

Taysen is something Tyler made up, actually when he was joking around and rhyming some names.  We were on a road trip to a wedding in Nac and he didn't feel like tossing around name ideas anymore so he started spouting off crazy things!  He said Taysen and I said YES... he said NO.  We had no idea if it was a boy or girl at that point so I just let it go.  Once we found out we were having a girl I decided to bring it up once more and it must have grown on him because he liked it.  Taysen Thomas just sounded too cute to pass up!!  To me it seems kind of like her Grandpa Timber - sweet yet opinionated :)  I can just picture her now!!  Tyler's Memaw was Peggy Jane, so that's how Jane came about.   In Hebrew, Jane means God's Grace or God is Gracious.  So it fits just perfect!! 

So... there we go, that is her name and I hope you all love it as much as we do!

The Thomas'

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's a girl!

We had a sonogram last Friday and received the news that our little critter is a sweet baby GIRL!  Now all I can think about is big giant bows and a girly room --- we are so excited and so blessed!!  Hopefully we will announce the name soon!

Week 20 and 21

Week 20: Cantaloupe
Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!

Week 21: Banana

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 18 and 19

I kinda skipped week 18 out of busyness so here it is... a sweetie potato!!
Week 18: Sweet Potato
Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.


Week 19: Mango

Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Baby's getting fingerprints! Onion week!

Week 17: Onion

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Pregnancy so far...

I consider myself very blessed for the pregnancy I've had so far.  Only had morning sickness one time and that was really no big deal.  I was really tired from about week 7 until about week 12 but since then even that has evened out some.  I've never been the person to need 8 hours of sleep but now, different story!  But I'm not trying to go to sleep at 9 anymore LOL, just as long as I get my 7 1/2 to 8 hours I have a good amount of energy.  From about week 10 - 12 or 13 I was nauseous alot.  Still wasn't getting sick just annoyed!  Thank goodness that stage has passed for the most part.  I still have my moments but it's nothing like the constant nausea, praise God :)  Allergies are probably my biggest complaint!!  I can't take anything for them so I just pray pray pray.  I go to the chiropractor from time to time to help with any allergy headaches but really if all of these allergens could just go away this whole pregnancy would be ALOT smoother.  So in short, Lord if you want to remove all the pollen, cottonwood and anything else I'm allergic to from the air, that would be awesome.  Currently I traveled too much for work and managed to either catch a cold or get a sinus cold if that's even a sickness.  More than anything it's frustrating because I seriously never get sick.  But I've learned my lesson, baby gets the immunities first, then me... no more running my body down by waking up at 4 am to fly out of state.  So, as of now I'm at home resting and waiting for my healing!  Tyler's brining me home some ecinechea some coloidial silver and some vitamin C.... that's what the midwife recommended along with lots of rest.  So i intend to try all routes, including continuing to pray for a supernatural healing!! 

On a happier note, I'm pretty darn sure I felt citter move last night!  It was cool, yet such a foreign feeling.  In the next few weeks as he/she gets bigger I'm sure it will be easier for me to tell if its the baby or not... although like I said, I know my body really well so I'm pretty sure it is.  Our next midwife appt is May 6th and then a few weeks after that we find out the sex of the baby.  We found out last week that our sweet cousins Jason and Lauren are expecting a BOY.  So excited for them!  Our turn to find out next! 

Jenn and baby critter

Baby Orange week is almost over... week 16 starts in two days with baby Avacado!

Week 16: Avocado

Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

Week 15: Naval Orange

Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lemon Baby... week 14

Week 14: Lemon

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Midwife Appointment Today

We had an appointment with our midwife today and planned on hearing Critter's heartbeat.  The appointment went well but unfortunately she couldn't pick up the baby's heartbeat with just the handheld doppler.  Shereally thought everything was fine because my uterus was growing as it should be, but she felt like possibly the placenta was in front of the baby and was "blocking" us from being able to hear the tiny little heartbeat.  Tyler and I were calm and confident that everything was fine but I know I was somewhat disappointed that we weren't going to be able to hear the baby for the first time.  Donna gave us the option to either do a sonogram or come back next week when the baby is a week older and try again.  We were both kind of lost as to what we wanted to do, mainly because I especially had my heart set on hearing it today!!  So, Donna suggested she could call the ultrasound place up the street and see if they could see me right then.  Next thing you know we, along with Donna and her assistant, are heading to get a sonogram.  What a blessing that they could get me in right then, God is SO good!  They got me back in the room quickly and next thing we know up popped our Critter on the screen.  He/she was bouncing around and bucking around as I called it.  The ultrasound tech even commented that he/she was doing crunches, it was so cute!!!  Clearly everything was perfect but they let us hear the heartbeat and got us an ultrasound picture anyway.  Tyler was in shock how much it looked like a baby!!  Critter's heart was beating 170 beats per minute and they said Oct. 20th for the due date.  It was such a special time getting to see my little resident, so glad we opted to go ahead and do the sonogram.  As a friend told me, now there is no room for Satan to bring fear, Critter is growing as planned and will continue to.  There is a picture below of the sweet little tiny blessing ... our hearts are so VERY full of JOY!!   

I'll try to take a better picture later and post it, we took this one with Tyler's cell phone.  The head is on the left and the body is on the right with tiny legs kicking around.  How stinkin cute can a baby get!!??

Love yall!

Week 13... Baby is growing to peach size this week!

Week 13: Peach

Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yep... Critter is a Plum!

Week 12: Plum

As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our Story... First Easter as a Thomas

It was such a battle trying to decide what to do for Easter without Ty.  Easter has always been a fun event in the Thomas house, whether they went to Fort Richardson for the day or rented a cabin for the whole weekend.  I was so excited about doing Easter Thomas style, but it was such a conflicting emotion, not having Dad there with us.  We battled about what traditions to keep and what not to keep but in the end, tradition won out.  And I'm so glad it did, I just love ALL the Thomas family traditions, it's what family is about. 

So on good Friday we packed up our stuff and headed toward Davis OK to River Bend Lodge.  We rented a cabin there and took Dad, Judy, and Summer and her kiddos with us.  Kim cooked yummy meals for us, we flew kites, made cookies and cupcakes, fished and even jumped on the trampoline.  The place was perfect and close enough to get us home early on Sunday... when Tyler and I decided we would dye eggs -- so fun!!  Here is the cabin website if you are ever looking for a close getaway place . 

I'll never forget this Easter, it was a great time filled with good family and good friends -- and Jesus is the reason for all the blessings we experienced on this glorious weekend! 
He is Risen Indeed!!! 

Ok so it's 3 days late... better late than never! Lime week, oh yea!

Week 11: Lime

Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through. But, fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prune week --- Yuck!

Okay, so I wasn't feeling so grand on Sunday and Monday, due to a virus I think, not the baby... BUT that's why I am late on the update.  Sunday started week ten for our baby prune, sorry Tyler I am not eating a prune this week, I can barely stomach raisins.  The baby seems to be alot more picky about what Mom eats than he/she was before this week and smells... ugh.  
Week 10: Prune
With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will too.)

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's Olive week!

Week 9: Green Olive

Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like... well... a baby!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Critter's First Gifts

I just had to post about the very first baby gifts we received.  The first one was several years ago -- my sister gave me the cutest little red t-shirt that says "MY MOMMY LOVES ME", i've been saving it ever sense.  If I remember right she got it shortly after Tyler and I started dating.  I just LOVE it.  I guess the second gift, not pictured, was a gift for me.  My sweet mother-in-law already had me a baby bottle for my James Avery charm bracelet.  When we told her we were expecting she jumped, cried, screamed and ran for the baby bottle.  She had been saving it!!  Sweet huh?  The next gift was a gift Tyler and I bought.  It's the book, a book that Tyler loved as a child... so sweet!  Cherry Wells from church got me the lullabye CD last week.  Worship songs for the baby, how cute can it be?!!  And then, on Sunday, my sweet sister, soon to be brother in law and niece got us two pair of baby booties!  They will be so perfect whether critter is a boy or a girl!  Thanks everybody! 

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our story continued...


This is how I know God is good and bigger than we can imagine.  One would probably expect us to say, this was the worst Christmas Ever since Timber isn't here... but I can honestly say, Christmas was in fact very blessed.  I would have traded anything in the world to have gotten to have my first Christmas as a Thomas with both of my in-laws, but I didn't get a choice.  But we did have a choice as to how we reacted, we could share old memories and create new ones, or we could wallow in our grief -- we chose the memories and I know God was pleased!!  It was a Christmas full of memories both old and new.  We started a new tradition, Christmas Eve at our house!!  Tara, Alden, Mom, Us, Dad, Judy, Hitch and Grandma Pat... Oh and Ashely and Crystal usually stop by.  It was so awesome, starting a new tradition.  And the old traditions continued as well, Christmas Eve, Memaw always made smothered steak, mac and cheese, rolls and mashed potatoes... she passed that on to Mom and Mom cooked us up the best Christmas meal ever.  I look forward to smothered steaks on Christmas Eve EVERY year!!  This Christmas Eve there were some special gifts to be passed out.  A James Avery bracelet and charm for Tara, in honor  of my precious niece that was then only a bun in the oven.  Memory Bear's for Tyler and Dad -- these were bears made from Ty's jeans and work shirts -- ours (Tyler's) was made out of the jeans that Timber wore at our wedding.  We will always cherish those bears!!  We also gave Mom a memory book, filled with letters and stories that friends and family had written about Timber -- She loved it and was totally surprised.  Oh, and we gave dad a shotgun that was Ty's.  We gave him a gun case to throw him off, then brought out the gun -- he was shocked and got teary eyed.  Sad but oh so happy all at the same time.  Each gift was a step toward healing and a step toward remembering at the same time.   It's what the Thomas' family does, make memories!! 
Pics below:

Alden's first treasure hunt... he got a gun safe!!

And the Proposal!!

And another new tradition... a toy for all 3 guys!

The next morning there were lots of gifts under the tree just for the 3 of us.  I got several charms for my James Avery bracelet, 2 of which were from Mom and Timber -- a daughter charm and a daughter in law charm, the daughter charm wasn't engraveable so they got both.  So very special to me, especially since they got them just after we got married and it was from Timber too!  I TREASURE them!!

Also got the cute lil pistol I had been wanting!!

And Tyler's annual treasure hunt began...
It was a browning x-bolt 270 WSM. 

And after this treasure hunt we enjoyed our delicious traditional breakfast, homemade cinnamon applesauce, ham and rolls... so TASTY!!

Oh, and Tyler actually had two treasure hunts... his Mom got him this...

After our morning together we gathered with family at my Uncle David and Aunt Becky's where we continued to receive the comfort of the Lord, given through the awesome friends and family He chose for us. 

None of us will EVER forget this Christmas, my very first Christmas as a Thomas.  And even though we missed Timber VERY much, we know he was among the cloud of witnesses!! (Hebrews 1)